The Missing Link to Get Your Health Back!

We proudly offers Bemer therapy to clients in the Jacksonville, Florida area. We believe this therapy is a true game-changer in helping people take control of their health.​

The Bemer Difference - Bemer was developed in Germany over 20 years ago and over one million people worldwide enjoy the benefits of Bemer therapy. It is backed by scientific research from leading universities around the world and from the Institute of Microcirculation in Berlin, Germany.

Healthy microcirculation is vital to the cardiovascular system, and vasomotion is a process in the microcirculatory system that assists the heart in delivering blood to the smallest vessels in the body. Improving healthy microcirculation, through the targeted stimulation of vasomotion, is the primary goal of BEMER physical vascular therapy. Healthy microcirculation allows nutrients, oxygen, supplements, and medicines to get to the cells AND wastes to be removed from the cells, which can impact every aspect of the body.

BEMER devices use a pulsed electromagnetic field – abbreviated as PEMF – to deliver a patented therapeutic signal. The BEMER signal helps improve the impaired pumping movements of small and very small vessels to promote needs-based distribution of blood.


General bloodflow

The body's nutrient & oxygen supply and waste disposal

Cardiac function

Physical fitness, endurance, strength and energy

Concentration, mental acuity, stress reduction and relaxation

Sleep management​