Holistic Medicine

The health of an individual is deeply impacted by emotional and spiritual health. Traditional health care in the U.S. has focused primarily on physical health (Body) while neglecting emotional and spiritual health (Mind and Spirit). I see these aspects as inseparably intertwined. To be truly at your best you need to be healthy emotionally, spiritually as well as physically. We support our patients in all of these areas as we diagnose and address the root cause of illness.

Allopathic Medicine

This is the Traditional Western Medicine model of Medicine that is most prevalent in the U.S. It is a science based approach, and employs powerful tools like drugs and surgery to treat or suppress symptoms or illness. This is an excellent form of medicine for acute illness or injury. However, because it often fails to identify and treat the root cause of illness, Allopathic medicine is often less effective in treating chronic conditions. Allopathic medical societies recognize the importance of Lifestyle for prevention and treatment of disease, however the allopathic medical model has not employed these powerful tools in the prevention and treatment of disease.

Lifestyle Medicine

Lifestyle factors such as nutrition, physical inactivity, chronic stress and substance use have been estimated to account for 80% of premature death.  Lifestyle medicine provides the patient with the support and tools to overcome the toxic elements of our environment and culture. It may appear very simple, but it is extremely powerful medicine.  Lifestyle medicine is science based, holistic, preventative and focuses on eradicating the root cause of illness and suffering.

Naturopathic Medicine

Naturopathy emphasizes the healing power of nature.  It recognizes the body’s ability to heal itself and works to support the body in healing.  A Naturopath teaches the patient how to achieve and maintain their own health. Naturopathy is holistic and preventative and focuses on the root cause of illness.

Functional Medicine

According to the Institute of Functional Medicine, Functional medicine “is an individualized, patient centered, science based approach that empowers patients and practitioners to work together to address underlying cause of disease and promote optimal wellness.”  Functional medicine employs lifestyle medicine, but takes a deeper dive into a patient’s individual biological and organ systems. It is holistic and like naturopathy, seeks to identify the root cause of disease. In our functional approach to our patients we integrate naturopathic, conventional and lifestyle medicine into a holistic diagnostic and treatment plan for each patient.